The world clock page shows the current local time in major cities from every time zone. can also provide times for anywhere else, as well. The world clock is a great resource to quickly compare times from around the world. If you need to compare specific times, use our Meeting Planner to customize local times from around the world to meet the needs of your business meeting.
Choose ANY COUNTRY from our location menu and you can find the time anywhere else in the world you may be interested to know.
If you see an * after a major city on this list, this location is
currently observing Daylight
Saving Time (DST) or Summer Time. Keeping track of the local
rules for each country is our specialty!
All time times for the world clock are color-coded to help you see at a glance the best times to call based on
time of day. The green times are locations in day time hours. Yellow is for locations in the morning or evening hours
when businesses could be closed. Red locations are currently in night time hours where you might wake someone up
if you called them now.
Set your preferred time and date formats - e.g. 12 hour am/pm
or 24 hour through our Profile page
Do you need current time data for your business or next mobile app project? If so, check out our Time Zone Database and API.