Daylight Saving Time: Essential Tips to Help Your Body Adjust

Not all countries observe Daylight Saving Time. But for those who do, they have to change their clocks twice a year, which some people find inconvenient. This is because during the spring forward and fall back, everyone who has changed their clocks might experience some struggles adjusting their body clocks. And if you are one of them, all you need to do is be in sync with your sleep cycle again.
Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm
Everyone has a circadian rhythm because it is the body's biological clock. It is located in the brain, somewhere in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN is the one responsible for regulating the timing of things in your body. For instance, you know when you want to eat or sleep.
The said rhythms are referred to as circadian because it means "about a day." Not only that, but it also tends to occur at least every 24-hours. Several factors can affect your circadian rhythm, including daylight and temperature. Aside from that, sleep can also affect your biological clock.
However, you might find struggles with sleep if your circadian rhythm has been disturbed. Suppose your biological clock is not in sync with the day-night cycle; your risk of obesity, diabetes, depression, and sleep disorders increases.
Why Circadian Rhythm Matters
Daylight Saving Time has been linked to different advantages and disadvantages. One downside of it, according to health experts, is disturbing a person's biological clock. Since during Daylight Saving Time, either people adjust their clocks one hour forward or backward, they might experience changes in their sleeping patterns.
If the circadian rhythm is out of sync, then the sleep would be too. When this happens, you might not receive the correct signals from your body's internal master clock. As such, you'll experience difficulty in sleeping or cause you to wake up too early or sleep poorly. These factors would indicate a circadian rhythm-related sleep disorder.
How to Adjust in Daylight Saving Time
Since Daylight Saving Time has ended in many places for this year, Some of you could experience disturbed sleeping patterns. To be in sync with your biological clock once again, you may consider the following tips:
Avoid sleeping later on Sunday.
Though it could be challenging, make sure to follow your same schedule in sleep, even if the clock has been changed. Have the same wake-up and sleep time.
Have a day off.
Our wellness matters. So every time you don't feel well after adjusting the time, try to have a day off from work. This way, you can focus on your wellness and find some meditative program to improve your sleeping patterns.
Try scheduling more outside time.
As mentioned earlier, daylight could affect one's circadian rhythm. To avoid feeling weak or sluggish, make sure to spend some time outdoors. This way, you'll feel energized and have the chance to do the things you love. You might schedule time for exercise or have an outdoor date with your loved ones.
Daylight Saving Time could offer some exciting benefits. But for some people who experience adverse effects, this biannual tradition might need an end. Following the tips mentioned earlier could save you from feeling sluggish and weak for those who have disturbed circadian rhythms.