Building Links to
Enhance your corporate or personal web site with times from World Time Server
and provide easy access to a great resource for your partners, customers and visitors.
If you have visitors from around the world, providing current times can be a vital
service your visitors will thank you for.
(You also do not need to ask our specific permission to link to our site as long
as you use one of the following kinds of links.)
You do not need our permission to link to, by the way. We are
happy to provide this resource to anyone you believe will find it useful!
If you would rather create your own customized web site with world times instead
of using these free link options, consider subscribing to our
Time Zones Database Service which will provide you the
same database this site uses!
Option 1: Just add a text link
The easiest option is just to provide a direct link to
. It takes almost no effort but provides a great resource to your visitors. We also
have graphics and buttons you can use, if desired.
Option 2: Add an analog world clock to your site
We host a Flash-based analog clock that you can customize with your color, size,
and location choices and place on your own web site! We even have options for 24
hour or 12 hour clocks.
To get a clock for your web site or blog, customized with your preferences,
click here!
Option 3: Embed a Search Box
You can now also put a search box on your site rather than linking to specific times.
This would allow you to direct visitors to specific times without having to do the
work of building all of the necessary links. We offer two different types of search
boxes for you to choose between. If you would like to see how these searches work
from a real web page, try this one.
Search Box - with graphic and title bar
The search box will look like this:
Get Current Time with World Time Server |
To add this search box to your site, use the following
html code:
Search Box - Plain
A second search box option is a plain one with no graphics or table. Here is how
the alternate search box will look:
Enter a country or city:
Invalid name
To add this search box to your site, use the following
html code:
You are welcome to use any of these graphics to link back to our site