PDT and PST: What's the Difference?

Since there are so many time zones worldwide, some people get confused whenever they have to change their clocks in observance of Daylight Saving Time. For instance, some people forget to set their clocks one hour forward or backward. Others don't know the difference between standard and daylight time. And if you are one of those people struggling to keep updated with time due to the different time zones, we’re here to help you. In this article, learn more about PDT and PST and when to use them.
Pacific Time Zone
The Pacific Time Zone is one of the 25 time zones covering many parts of Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. This time zone serves as the standard time in these locations, also called the Pacific Standard Time (PST). It is essential to know that each place follows a standard time which is calculated as Universal Time. It is the same as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), used after the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Pacific Standard Time
Pacific Standard Time is the standard time that is followed during the winter season. Usually, it is observed from early November of every year to mid-March the following year. Meanwhile, PST is 8 hours behind Universal Time during winter. Note that only Yukon is the only place in Canada entirely under the Pacific Time Zone. This is because some parts in the Northwest Territories and British Columbia partially follow the Mountain Zone. On the other hand, California and Washington are the two US states that completely fall under Pacific Standard Time.
Pacific Daylight Time
Pacific Daylight Time is the time zone followed during the summer months. It is observed in Canada, United States, and Mexico. This time zone begins from Mid March but usually ends in Early November in the same year. Pacific Daylight Time is followed during summer. Remember that the standard time is 7 hours behind the GMT and is kept one hour ahead of the PST. Doing so saves energy during the day.
To avoid being confused with time, take note that Pacific Standard Time is the standard time followed during November and mid-March. On the other hand, Pacific Daylight Time is observed from mid-March to November. In other words, PST is followed during the winter months, while PDT is followed during the summer months.