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The Time Zone Difference Between Arizona and the Navajo Nation


Although both Arizona and the Navajo Nation belong to the same country, some people still get confused about their time zone difference. As a result, they get conflict in terms of scheduling meetings. This is why if you live in Arizona and Navajo Nation or any nearby state, it is essential to understand how to figure out the time difference in these places.


Together with Hawaii, Arizona is one of the two only states that don't observe Daylight Saving Time (DST). One reason why Arizona doesn't take part in this twice-a-year tradition is that it doesn't need an extra hour of sunlight when it's already too hot. In addition, according to experts, the purpose of Daylight Saving Time will be useless considering the geographical location of Arizona.

One of the goals of having spring forward and fall back traditions is to maximize daylight hours. The first adjustment was done at 2 a.m. on March 14, in which countries observing DST set their clocks ahead an hour, which is also known as "spring forward." However, Daylight Saving Time 2021 will soon end at 2 a.m. Sunday, November 7. During this time, states will turn their clocks back an hour, known as "fall back."

Navajo Nation

When learning the time zone difference between Arizona and the Navajo Nation, it is vital to understand that the Navajo Nation observes Daylight Saving Time even though it extends beyond Arizona's borders. Navajo Nation follows the United States DST schedule since it goes beyond Arizona into states that follow DST. The territory lies within northeastern Arizona, southeastern Utah, and northwestern New Mexico. Therefore, taking part in Daylight Saving Time enables the residents to live by the same clock schedule.

World Time Server

It's easy to know the time zone difference between Arizona and Navajo Nation. You only need to know their current local time and when Navajo Nation changes its clock. For easier computation, you may use time tools from World Time Server and see the relationship between two time zones.

Knowing what time it is in other countries or states is sometimes challenging, considering the different time zones people engage with. But there are time tools that you can use to see the relationship between two time zones—making it easier to set a meeting to schedule a conference call. You may visit World Time Server and access the different time zones across the globe.

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