What is the Function of Daylight Saving Time?

If you live in countries that observe Daylight Saving Time, you are probably used to clock changing every year. Perhaps, you have also adapted to living every moment the time is adjusted forward or backward. But for those who are still confused about what DST is all about, you could be wondering whether it is necessary or not. What is the function of Daylight Saving Time? Can people live without it?
The Purpose of Daylight Saving Time
People can live without Daylight Saving Time because it was only suggested hundreds of years ago. However, its importance is one of the reasons why many countries were convinced to observe DST. Some people believe that it was Benjamin Franklin who proposed the traditional time change. But, it wasn't a serious proposal since he joked about economizing candle usage by convincing people to get out of bed earlier in the morning. Although it was meant as a joke, some people realized that they could do more work if they maximize natural light.
So what is the function of DST? Is it only for productivity? Daylight Saving Time was proposed and followed during these times for energy conservation. People will start working as early as the sun rises to maximize sunlight. They can go early to bed, minimizing the use of electricity. However, some countries do not observe this yearly tradition because there are also health risks associated with the practice. One of the main adverse effects that Daylight Saving Time could bring is the disturbance of the circadian rhythm.
What Happens When Your Circadian Rhythm is Disturbed?
Circadian rhythm refers to your internal body clock. It is vital because it keeps your biological processes in good condition. Like time, each cycle lasts 24 hours. The circadian rhythm is linked to your brain’s pattern waves, sales regrowth, hormone production, and many of the biological processes. But one of the primary roles of the circadian rhythm is in regards to your sleep. It is usually set by the cycle of light and dark in 24 hours.
If you follow the standard time, your circadian rhythm is more likely to process normally. However, if you suddenly change the time. Your circadian rhythm is disturbed since you need to adjust to the new time. People having disturbed circadian rhythm could experience the following disorders:
Rapid Time Zone Change Syndrome
This makes people experience too much sleepiness and a lack of daytime alertness. People suffering from this condition travel across time zones. The problem with this disorder is it gets worse with each time zone crossed, most especially when the person is traveling toward the east (related: eastern time zone).
Shift Work Sleep Disorder
If you are working in a multinational company, you might be required to work in different shifts. However, you might experience the shift work sleep disorder if you frequently rotate shifts or work at night.
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS)
DSPS causes people to have problems with sleep timing. DSPS patients tend to fall asleep very late at night. Not only that, but they also find it challenging to wake up in time for work, school, or social activities. DSPS is normal in teens and young adults.
Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome (ASPS)
Another problem related to your circadian rhythm is the advanced sleep phase syndrome. ASPS is a disorder in which a person goes to sleep earlier and wakes earlier than they wanted.
Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder
As mentioned, the circadian clock is set by the light-dark cycle. This becomes a problem with those who are visually impaired. It can cause a serious lack of sleep time and quality at night and sleepiness during daylight hours.
Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder
In this disorder, people’s circadian rhythms are jumbled, causing a series of naps over 24 hours.
The purpose of Daylight Saving Time is to conserve energy and boost people’s productivity during the day. However, this tradition can cause some adverse effects which significantly affect human health. Although it is usually linked to the circadian rhythm, having a disturbance in your internal body clock can lead to several health conditions. If you are in a country observing DST, make sure to apply the necessary ways on how you can quickly adapt to Daylight Saving Time. As such, you can maintain a healthy body, and the adverse effects will be minimized.