Tips For Dealing with Different Time Zones

The Earth is longitudinally divided into 24 time zones, where each longitude is 15 degrees apart. But aside from that, each time zone is also one hour apart. In the present, there are more time zones because some countries decide to use half-hour time zones. Although having more time zones considering the 30 or 45-degree apart is more accurate, this led to confusion for some people when dealing with time. Individuals traveling to different locations usually ask, "What time zone am I in?" In this article, we'll help you quickly find your time zone whenever and wherever you are. We'll also provide some tips on how to deal with different time zones.
The Time Zones in the World
If you live in countries that deal with only one time zone, then time management could be a piece of cake for you. For instance, China and India are large countries, but they only deal with a single time zone. But what if you live in France, which is the country with the most time zones? Can you efficiently manage your time? Probably not, especially if you are new to the country or traveling from one place to another.
It is not necessary to memorize all the time zones in the world. There are too many of them, and it would be challenging to calculate the time difference from one time zone to another. There is a need to find a solution to know the time zone quickly you are in or convert a time zone to another. The good news is that you can use time tools allowing you to know your time zone, convert it to another time zone, or calculate the time difference. For example, if you live in California and want to know what time it is in Florida, you can use the pst to est converter.
World Time Server: Your Trusted Time Resource
You can find many time tools on the internet, but you cannot guarantee that they are all accurate. Search no more because you can use World Time Server (WTS), a trusted time resource running for over 20 years. Companies of all sizes use World Time Server to keep updated with time, convert time zones, and identify the time difference between two time zones.
What exactly is WTS? World TimeServer has a reliable self-hosted database that allows you to access accurate time zone information. You can use it to know your current local time and time in other countries and keep updated with time-related news It also has helpful articles that provide exciting time facts and tips on time management, popular time beliefs, when is daylight savings time, and more.
How to Deal With Different Time Zones
If you are working in a multinational company or a BPO industry, you could probably deal with many time zones. Suppose you are employed in an American company; there could be instances when you need to attend a meeting at two o'clock in the morning because other employees are observing another time zone. But it doesn't have to be that way. Although there are 11 US time zones (same as Russia), there is a better way to find the best meeting time for everyone. Take a look at the flowing time management tips that will help you deal with different time zones:
Use your phone to have a world clock.
Most smart phones nowadays have world clocks as one of the device's features. You can take advantage of it by setting up your clients who have different time zones than yours. This way, you can tell the time differences and see which is the most convenient time for everyone. But if you are dealing with many clients or conducting seminars with hundreds to thousands of attendees, you may use our World Meeting Planner.
The World Meeting Planner allows you to choose the date for your meeting and the people's locations. With this tool, you can see the relationship each location has regarding daytime hours with proper adjustments for any locations observing daylight saving time. As a result, you can quickly target a time that works for everyone.
Talk to your clients about establishing time zone rules.
If it is challenging for you to calculate time differences, you may establish rules with your clients. When setting deadlines, know if your client is willing to follow the time zone you're observing. If not, then you need to adjust and work it out.
Be more considerate with other people's time.
If you are traveling and meeting with a friend, be more considerate with time. Don't schedule a lunch or dinner date that you think your friend or loved one will not prefer. It would be best to ask the person about the most convenient time for him or her.
Dealing with different time zones should be challenging and stressful. But when you choose the right tools and follow the helpful tips above, you'll find it more comfortable than before. Make sure to follow World Time Server for more news updates and tips about dealing with time zones. Whatever time zone you are following, be it US time zones or not, we can help you.