Daylight Saving Time Ends January 17th
When does Daylight Saving Time End in Fiji for 2016?
Daylight Saving Time comes to end for Fiji on Sunday January 17th at 3:00am local time. Daylight Saving Time started on November 1st, 2015 across the archipelago. The public is advised to move their clocks back 1 hour before going to bed on Saturday night.
Fiji will move from the Fiji Summer Time Zone, or FJST to the Fiji Time Zone, or FJT, as it returns to standard time.
This change affects, but is not limited to, the following cities in Fiji:
When did Fiji establish Daylight Saving Time?
Fiji re-established Daylight Saving Time in 2009 for the availability of more sunlight for leisure, sport and shopping. It was originally established in 1998.
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