Minnesota's Biennial Budget for 2021 Includes Daylight Saving Time

The Minnesota Legislature has been conducting special sessions since they consider terminating Governor Walz's peacetime emergency declaration regarding the coronavirus. Minnesota's biennial budget focuses on the state's different sectors. Among the key spending and policy revisions include making Daylight Saving Time permanent in Minnesota.
Since the 2021 regular session, the state's Legislature convened with the Capitol complex, and state agencies became closed to the public. Meaning, most of the legislators and staff are working remotely. Not only that, but committee hearings and floor sessions are also held online.
With the said restrictions, the Legislature's ability to consider and process legislative proposals is affected. Good thing the bills were introduced at an average pace. However, there were only 31 bills that were enacted into law by the time the Legislature adjourned on May 17.
This is why the legislative leadership and committee chairs are working to finalize and pass the budget bills over the next month. There have been complications with Minessota’s biennial budget since there were policy provisions. Not only that, but budget proposals also need resolution.
The state has faced difficulties regarding police reform and the governor's executive authority since the pandemic was challenging to resolve. But the state government has the following key spending and policy provisions:
- - $3.5 million in local grants for ballot drop boxes and election equipment
- - Creating a legislative commission on cybersecurity
- - Establishing permanent Daylight Saving Time( if permitted by the federal government)
- - Ending the COVID-19 peacetime emergency declared by Governor Walz on July 1
- - Funding for Market Bucks, which matches SNAP spending dollar-for-dollar (up to $10) at participating farmers markets