Montana Bill Makes Daylight Saving Time Year-Round

Montana, the Big Sky State, would make Daylight Saving Time permanent if its neighboring states also urge to make DST year-round. Once the said states support it, the bill will advance to the Legislature. In 2009, lawmakers weighed down whether to continue the yearly tradition, making them adopt Daylight Saving Time permanently or keep the Mountain Standard Time.
Since then, people have arguments for and against the proposals. Some people favor the bill, while there are residents who are against it. The main issue why there are people who want to make Daylight Saving Time permanent is to abolish the yearly practice and prevent having frustrations over the disruption of sleep cycles. Some residents believe that setting the clock forward one hour for DST means losing an hour of sleep which increases the risks to different health conditions.
Sen. Mary McNally, D-Billings, sponsored the bill, and under Under Senate Bill 254, Montana would move to Daylight Saving Time if at least four other Western states did. Not only that, but it should also be approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation or Congress. The bill has received a 64-36 vote on the second reading. Suppose it clears a final vote, the bill would advance to the governor.
Rep. Katie Zolnikov, R-Billings, explained the benefits of making DST year-round in Montana and other states. According to Zolnikov, "Children, they play outside, they play games, they play sports, they're not inside playing their Xboxes, just being slaves to technology.” Once there is permanent Daylight Saving Time, children will be able to enjoy additional daylight hours.