New Hampshire Lawmakers Debate Daylight Saving Time Bill
Lawmakers from New Hampshire are continuously debating whether to adopt the time change bill or not. According to those who support the bill, abolishing the twice-a-year tradition of changing the clocks would keep pedestrians safer. Not only that, but people will become healthier and more productive, as bipartisan advocates in creating an Atlantic Time Zone for New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Maine.
The purpose of Daylight Saving Time during World War I in the United States and other countries was to save energy by extending the day. It was during World War II when President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered permanent DST. However, as years pass by, more and more countries are starting to doubt the benefits of Daylight Saving Time because of the adverse effects associated with it.
There would be an end to Eastern Standard Time with the bill if Daylight Saving Time becomes permanent in New Hampshire. However, this will only happen if Massachusetts and Maine agree to the change as well. According to Scott Yates, "With the clock changes we make, we have school children waiting in the dark, pedestrians are six times safer in the mornings than they are in the afternoon, and there are spikes in heart attacks and strokes right after the spring forward and fall back."
Yates stated that the state bills aim to pressure more members of Congress to sign Rubio's federal bill. According to Rubio, "The call to end the antiquated practice of clock changing is gaining momentum throughout the nation." Earlier this month, the New Hampshire House voted 250-117 to endorse the bill.