North Dakota Considers Making Daylight Saving Time Permanent

North Dakota senators passed a new bill on Monday, February 8, to make Daylight Saving Time (DST) permanent. The proponents believe that approving this law will eliminate the inconvenient clock changing that happens twice a year. Not only that but having a permanent DST in the state can help people suffering from seasonal depression.
After having a substantial amendment by Senator Jason Heitkamp, R-Wahpeton, Senate Bill 2201 passed 36-1. This would ensure North Dakota's time alignment with neighboring states. The bill was defeated by one vote on Friday before the senators' amendment. Everyone should know that to switch to year-round Daylight Saving Time observance, states passing the bill must receive Congressional approval.
According to the National Conference of State Legislators, 13 states have already passed legislation making the change. These states were waiting for the bill's approval. However, there were opponents of North Dakota's new bill regarding DST. For them, approving the bill would put the state out of line regarding the time alignment with the surrounding states. Thus, there would be an inconvenience to the residents including the border cities, Fargo and Grand Fork.
North Dakota residents have different opinions regarding the bill. For some, it would be helpful to make Daylight Saving Time permanent. This is because it will help people with their sleep problems and avoid having a seasonal affective disorder. On the other hand, opponents of the bill are concerned about the time alignment with other states. But no matter how the bill will affect the state, North Dakota residents still need to wait for the government's decision regarding the issue.