Representative Johnson Seeks Year-Round Daylight Saving Time

Representative Dusty Johnson has signed the ‘Sunshine Protection Act.’ This act aims to get rid of the “fall back” time change, making Daylight Saving Time permanent.
Daylight Saving Time is a biannual tradition where people who observe it need to change their clocks twice a year. Most countries and states start it around March and end it in October or November, as days get shorter.
Many people have noticed that winter is fast approaching since it gets too dark early. It’s because DST ended a few days ago.
The good news for those who hate to change their clocks twice is that state representatives have exerted efforts to change that. For instance, Rep. Dusty Johnson signed onto the ‘Sunshine Protection Act’, making Daylight Saving Time the new standard.
Johnson believes that having more sunlight at the end of the day is a win for everyone. ”My bill would make it so that we would shift the daylight later in the day in the winter,” Johnson stated.
“That would make it more likely that we would have sunshine toward the end of the day, after school, after work. I think that’s far more effective than having sunlight from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. when we’re almost all indoors anyway,” he added.