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Slovakia Postpones the End of Daylight Saving Time


The last Saturday of March should be the end of Daylight Saving Time in most European countries. However, this was postponed because of the current pandemic. The coronavirus has brought challenges around the world, and Slovakia is no exception. Because of the pandemic, the country has not decided on what time to follow yet.

Since February 2018, the discussion about the clock change has been on the table for European countries. The European Commission has conducted a survey asking the citizens whether they are satisfied with Daylight Saving Time. Although some people were in favor, most of their residents of the European countries, including Slovakia, were dissatisfied with the yearly tradition. However, the final decision of whether to keep Daylight Saving Time or not is put on hold.

Ivan Štefanec, Slovak MEP for the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH), believes that the bi-annual time switch will be history. Štefanec is one of the initiators of abolishing DST. He explained that the postponed issues would come to the fore, and the seasonal clock change is one of them. This will happen when Daylight Saving Time subsides. 

Some countries have already scrapped the seasonal clock change. This includes Belarus and Russia, which have decided to move their clocks for the last time in October 2010. Another country that followed their footsteps was Turkey which abolished the seasonal clock change in September 2016.

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