The current time and date right now
12:08:25 AM
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Saturday, March 29, 2025
Brasilia Time or BRT has a UTC offset of - 3:00. This means that the time zone is 3 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. The time zone is primarily observed by Brazilian states in South America during the winter months when Daylight Saving is inactive. As soon as Daylight Saving starts – during the summer – some affected areas switch to Brasilia Summer Time or BRST.
It is important to note that this time zone has several labels:
Brasilia Time (BRT)
Brazil Time (BT)
Brazilian Time (BT)
Locations in Brasilia Time Zone
South America (Brazil)
Distrito Federal and Brasilia
Espirito Santo and Vitoria
Goias and Goiania
Minas Gerais and Belo Horizonte
Rio Grande do Sul and Porto Alegre
Rio de Janeiro
Santa Catarina and Criciuma
Sao Paulo
The following Brazilian states remain on Brasilia Time all year long:
Other time zones that use the same UTC - 3:00 offset are:
Atlantic Daylight Time (ADT)
Amazon Summer Time (AMST)
Argentina Time (ART)
Chile Summer Time (CLST)
Chile Standard Time (CLT)
Falkland Islands Summer Time (FKST)
French Guiana Time (GFT)
Papa Time Zone (P)
Pierre & Miquelon Standard Time (PMST)
Paraguay Summer Time (PYST)
Rothera Time (ROTT)
Suriname Time (SRT)
Uruguay Time (UYT)
Western Argentine Summer Time (WARST)
West Greenland Time (WGT)